Sunday, February 9, 2014

"The Fate of Sail" A Thrilling Wolf series by TTF

I have decided to make a wolf series. an Epic one. I am a talented writer and this story is absolutely bursting with richness, adventure, and love. Join Sail in this thrilling, first person experience that is soon to be illustrated...

*If you listen to dramatic instrumental music while reading this it makes it 5x better :D *

                                                 Part One

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I was in that moment in time.
When she grabbed my paws and let her wings dance to the edge of the hill with her warm plush fur wrapped around my grey wrists. “Where are you taking me Kayliss?” I asked her. When she replied with her soft, warm breath breezing on my muzzle, making my whiskers fringe, she said, “Go, Sail…You don’t belong with me. You were once mine, but I am letting you go. I wish, oh how I wish, that somehow I could keep you, my love. But I cannot.” After I heard her utter those cold words of regret, my eyes drifted to her eyes as she licked my muzzle with genuine affection and then she let my paws slip from hers. I quickly said to her as gravity pulled me down into it’s pit, “No Kaylis. I will never forget you! I will encage you in my thoughts of memory and love you until the end of the world!” Again she looked at me, longing to lick me again, “No Sail. Find a real mate and love her more than you have loved me.”
My emerald eyes finally opened. I was captured inside my own thought. What could I say about it. I loved her, I would have never let her go. But why did she let me go? She knew I loved her and that I would do anything for her! Why did she abandon me? That was enough. I couldn’t take this anymore. I had to find who I really was.
Without her.

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As the light seeped through the cracks of the giant roots I was sheltered by, my eyes opened and I let my jaw yawn the sleep away. I didn’t want to live for anything anymore. Without her, I couldn’t breathe. But I forced myself to exit the den and find something to nourish my body with. The white snow that my feet sank into was harshly cold and white… Kayliss…"No. Not the memory.” I tried to shiver the words off of my charcoal colored coat, but I just couldn’t. I couldn’t even try. It wasn’t worth it anymore. I kept drifting from one emotion to another trying to forget that beautiful wolf.

I walked through the evergreens as my fur kept shivering when the frozen breeze brushed my coat smooth. This was the first time I had actually forgotten about Kayliss. I had the pain in my stomach. The hunger pains. It hit me like a brick! I knew I needed food. Meat, fresh meat, like a wolf always desires. I started down the gully surrounding my empty home. My nose couldn’t smell anything. Nothing at all. The freezing breeze kept sweeping even the slightest scent away from my nose. I was so hungry. So ready to curl up in my warm lonely den by myself and eat, but no. I couldn’t. I had to get something into my growling stomach.
Maybe If I dig I could find something. I threw my paws violently into the snow. Tearing it to pieces. As the raw white snow was opening, my nose caught a scent that I had only smelled a few times… Another wolf. A female, wolf. I quickly jumped back, stuck my nose into the air and whiffed in as much of it as I could to capture It and follow it. To have some kind of company to forget about this previous love that I had with her. I caught it! I had found the scent. I ran and ran until my legs could not take me anymore! My paws were running so fast, I could feel the wolf right there. In the middle of everything. This, my love, Kayliss, is who you were talking about! This is who you want me to be with, isn’t it? You have chosen a great one my dear! For me, to love, to go through again! Thank you Kayliss my love. I will never forget you…

I slowed to a walk as I hid behind a tree to hide myself from her. The wolf I had smelled of from so far away. The scent that was lifted from the raw, white, snow. Oh how I longed to see her, the one that was chosen for me! I was eagerly waiting to throw my head out from beside the tree to gaze into her eyes. To see who I was supposed to be with. As I turned my paws toward the wolf and slowly my face after them. Then. Right then. I saw my future, my hope. She was lying in the sun that was seeping through the trees onto the snow that melted into wet, dewy grass that the lied apon.

I was in shock of what I saw. A stunning, breathtaking beauty that I longed to meet, to talk to, to live with. It all came so fast. So very fast. My future lied in the hands of what I did next. How would she love me? Why would she want a rogue as a mate? My hope fell to the ground as my heart was now in my throat. I could smell another wolf. An alpha, male…

The huge dark-colored wolf slowly walked out of the wooded valley and into the sun with her, lying beside the red and brown beauty. Oh no. I shouldn’t be here. He is going to kill me once he smells me. This was obviously his mate, and he would kill me if I took my instincts to the next level, talking to her behind his back when he wasn’t there. I watched quietly as he spoke his chest pounding words, “Come Willow.” Quite harsh I thought. Willow replied, “Thresh please. Just a few more minutes.” “No! Come now! I don’t wait for females, Willow, and if you hadn’t noticed it yet, you are one. Now move.” I was astonished by what came out of his mouth! I couldn’t believe my ears. “Get up or I’ll get the chain! I know you like it.” He laughed. The female quickly jumped up with her eyes wide and fixed forward, with a horrified look on her face.

I wanted to attack that, Thresh, whoever he was. He was going to hurt her. I knew it in my heart. I stayed still, praying to not be seen, or smelled. “Now follow me. We have work to do.” Thresh barked. Willow replied reluctantly, “Yes…my love.”
What? Her love? That treated her like that? I couldn’t take it anymore. This wasn't right. I had to help her. But how? I needed to make a move. A good move. My mind paced back and forth in two directions. Attack, or run? Attack or run? My instincts screamed at me to run, run far away from this mess, this battle that was waiting to happen. All of the sudden I felt my feet running out from under my body while I wondered, “What am I doing. I’m going to get killed. What mattered now? I was gone. Gone with the wind! I ran fast, so I could get a blazing start. Just then, I jumped.
I jumped on top of Thresh pulling him down quickly. He turned around and threw me off of his back with the slightest move. I was done for! How could I DO this? Willow Turned around fast and looked at me. Our eyes gazed into each other's. She knew what I was doing...

P.S I am very sorry for the unorganized posts with no true subject of this blog... This will soon be fixed ^^